The Fiscal Importance of Your Brand

Similar to the S&P, there is a ranking system of companies by the valuation of their brands Marty Neumeier explains, “Despite the difficulty in recording brand value on the balance sheet companies are using brand value to obtain financing, price licensing, evaluate mergers & acquisitions, assess damages in litigation and justify the price of their stock.” […]

Why Your Brand Isn’t What You Think It Is

My 7th grade English teacher sent me to the principal’s office for insubordination. I had a different interpretation of the poem we were reading  than she put forth. She told me my interpretation was wrong. I told her it wasn’t, that there is no such thing a “right” interpretation of any work of art or literature. […]

Facebook Likes — It’s Not About The Body Count

Facebook is suppressing the organic reach of business pages more and more. Here’s why that’s a good thing. Many people think success of a Facebook business page is measured in the number of likes. On the surface the number of “Likes” seems like a good measure. It is simple and easy to understand. It appeals to that […]


Trying to hold someone else accountable is like trying to eat their lunch for them. No person can hold another accountable. They can impose consequences which is something entirely different from accountability. Accountability is an accounting of the decisions that lead to a certain result and the insight of other options that 20/20 hindsight reveals. That […]